Supercell Clash Royale League
“The images take us on a emotional journey from the farm league locker rooms into a big arena.”
Piñata designed and created series of keyart images and logo animations for CRL – a mobile e-sports League for Clash Royale.
The creative for the images stems straight from the world of Clash Royale and from the iconic game characters. Piñata designed a series of images that take us on a visual journey from the sweaty locker rooms of farm league into a big arena, show the celebrating fans and the suspense before a big game.
Client: Supercell
Piñata producers: Sari Tani, Miia Länsimäki
Piñata artists: Timo Hämäläinen, Oula Runila, Sakari Hakkarainen, Henri Tani, Mika Rantala, Ville Ikonen, Jani Toikka, Raine Kuusi, Mikko Vormala, Tuomas Korpi
Tags: Gaming, Entertainment
Concept sketches for keyart images
Keyart images for marketing
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