Supercell Clash Royale League

Supercell Clash Royale League

“The images take us on a emotional journey from the farm league locker rooms into a big arena.”

Piñata designed and created series of keyart images and logo animations for CRL – a mobile e-sports League for Clash Royale.

The creative for the images stems straight from the world of Clash Royale and from the iconic game characters. Piñata designed a series of images that take us on a visual journey from the sweaty locker rooms of farm league into a big arena, show the celebrating fans and the suspense before a big game.

Client: Supercell

Piñata producers: Sari Tani, Miia Länsimäki

Piñata artists: Timo Hämäläinen, Oula Runila, Sakari Hakkarainen, Henri Tani, Mika Rantala, Ville Ikonen, Jani Toikka, Raine Kuusi, Mikko Vormala, Tuomas Korpi

Concept sketches for keyart images

Keyart images for marketing

for more information contact

Sari Tani