Domino “Superdomino”

Domino “Superdomino”

“There’s definitely a challenge in painting something so simple: A humble little cookie with quite a bit of filling.”

Piñata created this illustration of a new Domino cookies product: A new Super Domino, now with added filling.

“There’s definitely a challenge in painting something so simple: A humble little cookie with quite a bit of filling. It all comes down to details and rendering all the little curves and shapes to the tee. Especially with edible stuff, you have to pay special attention to making everything look sweet and delicious.” says Piñata illustrator Tuomas.

Luckily we had a huge amount of reference cookies to really get ourselves tuned on the right track.

Agency: Havas Worldwide

Creatives: Mikko Heino, Marko Vuorensola

Project Manager: Muusa Salminen, Johanna Vuorensola

Piñata artist: Tuomas Korpi

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